Will Mianecki is a designer, researcher, and educator based in Brooklyn, New York. 

He is currently a fellow at Public Policy Lab, and teaches part-time at NYU and Parsons.   


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Will Mianecki is a designer and educator based in Brooklyn, New York.

Looking at Granite

A publication that examines Facebook’s global network infrastructure, exploring historical ideas of power residing within the body of a monarch.


Watermark is an exploration of type in space created by sourcing images from Google Street View and then installing a physical replica of the Google copyright watermark that appears in the image. The piece interrogates issues of ownership, domination, and control that emerge for Google’s global mapping project.

Jettisoning the Frame: Strategies
for Designing at the Threshold

A website and publication exploring systems of technological control through the lens of media infrastructure, especially undersea cables and data centers.

At The Times, The New York Times

A full redesign of At The Times, the employee site at The New York Times.  

Take Our Kids to Work Day, 
The New York Times

A program for children in grades 2-7 to visit the NYC headquarters and experience a window into what it is like to work at the Times. Illustrations by Mathieu Labrecque. Event photography by Aaron Laserna.